Under the MoU, the two parties will work together to promote the Campaign on Blue Skies and NetZero 2050 in the Republic of Korea, which is intended to raise public awareness of the twin air pollution and climate crises and demonstrate public support for ambitious action to tackle these climate challenges in the country. The top priority across Asia is to bring back the blue skies and limit climate change to 1.5 degrees, which requires commitment to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
The Campaign on Blue Skies and NetZero2050, partnered by GGGI, the Embassies of Denmark, the EU, France and the UK, and the Climate Change Center (CCC), aims to bring together a coalition of many organizations in the Republic of Korea to share experience from across the world to build public awareness and support for action to be taken by the Korean government to address the air pollution and climate crises and announce a NetZero 2050 commitment at the 2020 P4G Summit in Seoul.
Launched in December 2019, the Campaign will run through the first half of 2020 and end at the Civil Society Summit on June 28, 2020. All organizations are very much welcome to join, and those coming on board will be asked to organize one or more events for their own community about the air pollution and climate crises, highlighting effective solutions, and experiences elsewhere that may inspire action in the ROK. While GGGI and the Climate Change Center are co-hosting the Secretariat of the Campaign and providing key messages and communications materials , the Campaign is designed to be self-organizing, organic and loosely coordinated through a set of shared messages, some branded collateral, and a website that shares Campaign information, messages and events and coordinated media events.