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GGGI and the Dutch Embassy in Seoul co-host a Climate Talk and Net Zero 2050 event

On June 9, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Embassy of the Netherlands to Korea co-hosted the Climate Talk and Net Zero 2050 online and offline event at the GGGI HQ in Seoul, with a livestream recording to broadcast the event to other areas of the world.

GGGI Director-General, Dr Frank Rijsberman, kicked off the event to share the importance of strong climate ambitions despite the COVID-19 pandemic. “Initially we were worried that the COVID pandemic would move all the attention away from climate change… but we’re finding now that people are actually quite interested and more aware of sustainability issues than they were before,” shared Dr. Rijsberman. “People are indicating that they would like to see climate action as part of COVID recovery”.

“Initially we were worried that the COVID pandemic would move all the attention away from climate change … but we’re finding now that people are actually quite interested and more aware of sustainability issues than they were before,” shared Dr. Frank Rijsberman, GGGI Director-General. “People are indicating that they would like to see climate action as part of COVID recovery.”

Marcel Beukeboom, Climate Envoy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, who joined the event through video call, delivered the opening remarks of the event, explaining the need for greater international cooperation to solve the climate crisis.

“I think we have seen a glimpse of the future, of what is possible and what we are capable of by taking similar actions across the globe,” shared Climate Envoy of the European Union, Marcel Beukeboom. “It’s actually amazing what has happened, in a matter of weeks the whole world united around similar kinds of policy measures … that in a way gives hope that such a cooperation is possible across the globe”

The main portions of the event featured presentations from the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Michael Reiterer, the Head of the Environment & Energy at Kim & Chang, Mr. Sungwoo Kim, the Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Republic of Korea, Ms. Joanne Doornewaard, and Dean of KDI School of Public Policy & Management, You Jong-Il, on ways to the Republic of Korea can fight climate change and make the green transition.

Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Michael Reiterer, Quotes:

“We must prepare plans for the recovery of the COVID19 pandemic to make sure that all the money, the billions and trillions, are spent wisely and in a clever manner … on the green economy”

Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Republic of Korea, Joanne Doornewaard Quotes:

“There’s the awareness that we can’t do it alone … we need alliances to work together to fight climate change”

Climate Envoy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Marcel Beukeboom, quotes:

“Climate change doesn’t go away and climate change is such a global public good that can only be solved through international cooperation”

“I think we have seen a glimpse of the future, of what is possible and what we are capable of by taking similar actions across the globe,” shared Climate Envoy of the European Union, Marcel Beukeboom. “It’s actually amazing what has happened, in a matter of weeks the whole world united around similar kinds of policy measures … that in a way gives hope that such a cooperation is possible across the globe”

Head of the Environment & Energy at Kim & Chang, Mr. Sungwoo Kim Quotes:

“Last year, there were 7 consecutive bad days of fine dust and the people really recognized the relationship between air quality and their own health,” shared Mr. Sungwoo Kim. “The relationship between those two really gives a good recognition for shareholders in this society to think about not only fine dust but climate change”

“I have frequently communicated with Korean industries and CEOs, and two years ago, when I talked to them regarding carbon, renewable energy, and ESG, I felt that they received those kind of things as a luxury or voluntary things, but now I clearly see some differences”

Dean of KDI School of Public Policy & Management, You Jong-Il, Quotes:

“The Korean New Deal, while quite unsatisfactory as it stands now, has served as a good springboard on which Korean society can prepare to make the big jump”

“In the Korean Society a lot of people still think that when you talk about environment or climate you are doing it at the expense of economy, but this is environment plus economy. That is the essence of Green New Deal.”

Click here to watch the full recording.

The MoU was signed at the GGGI Seoul headquarters by Dr. Frank Rijsberman, Director-General of GGGI and Ms. Sohee Kim, Secretary General of the Climate Change Center on January 30. The two organizations will jointly serve as the Secretariat of the Campaign.